Monday, January 30, 2012

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“God’s grace deems us to be someone 
before we become someone—we’re important 
before we’re important 
and lovely before we are lovely.” 
{Russ Masterson}

Thursday, January 19, 2012


This week I have felt honored to read the thoughts of a gentle old man who journaled and shared his thoughts while going through the painful process of watching his wife die (this after many years of her struggling with intense sickness). Today was his final letter, as she slipped away to be with Jesus. Being a part of the stories he has shared, I've absorbed it all, and my heart feels a deep sorrow - and also a deep hope. His writing has been honest and the emotions he has shared - raw. 
To see a love that withstood so much pain in this life, and a devoted love like none I've ever seen - is inspiring. 
What rings truer than true, is where Jesus is so obvious and bright. 
It's something different than what most marriages display, sadly. 
 I want a truth-saturated-love like that, a real and lasting love. 
 I'm beginning to realize that the first step is a crucial mind-shift, 
beginning with the belief that - happiness is only a by-product of holiness - happiness, does not beget holiness.
Marriage is about our sanctification...happiness - is one of those
beautiful bonuses that comes along with it. 
Life is a lot less about us than we ever grow up believing it is. 
And I'm beginning to love that truth.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

yellow roses.

My favorite boy surprised me with roses, coffee 
and chocolate at three loves... :)

He's pretty spectacular.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

skewed perspective.

We must be careful not to get too focused on the shadows...
the shadows are only evidence of the greater light. 
We find life in the Light — not in the shadows it casts.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new year.

I'm expecting you to be absolutely wonderful.