Thursday, October 11, 2007


I got my first real design job today. It was kind of scary...but super exciting. There's a huge amount of responsibility. I am praying that through all of my design work God would work through me and be my inspiration, as He himself is the greatest of designers. I trust that God has gifted me and I trust that He gave me a love for art and design for a reason. That is why I have the confidence I do as I begin my first job.

I am a bit overwhelmed today, but I will be fine. I am praying for self-control...I need to make some changes in my life...and it's easy to think about those changes, hard to follow through.

Jesus, your name is like honey on my lips, your Spirit like water to my soul.

Monday, October 8, 2007

protect me

My emotions confuse me...take me on whirlwind rides...up to ferris wheel heights...round and round as a spinning carousel. I find my solace in prayer. Seeking the good of others, praying earnestly for things that will hurt my heart (hopefully momentarily). Trying so hard to abandon self. Love and trust comes with a price. Chances. Sacrifice. Fear, never too far behind.

I hope.

I wait.

I trust.

I continue learning love.

Jesus be my sustainer. My life-giver, protector of my heart. [which forges on despite sheer frailty]

Keisha may think she has an audience of one...but my audience of zero may top hers. However, my writings require no audience.

Friday, October 5, 2007


A day of resolutions.

Guarding my tongue...watching my thoughts.

I want to become all God wants me to be as a woman.

Instead of looking ahead I want to be free from worries and enjoy today as today is.

He is so compassionate.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

pumpkin spice lattes and chilly air

Autumn is my favourite time of year.

Crispy leaves, fiery colours, warm smells, burrowing creatures, snow-smelling air...perfect days.

Thank you Jesus for these days.