Friday, November 26, 2010

twenty & two.

This blog post seems significantly more important, though I know that isn't necessarily true.

A birthday has always been to me a time when I take into account just how I have spent my last year, what I would like to continue doing, and what I would like to change. 

Looking back though, I realize that most years were nothing I could have ever planned. 

Coming into my twenty-second year I feel age clench a bit tighter, and my thoughts are heavy with vision and dreaming. The all-too-familiar quote, "Do not fear death, only the unlived life." is lodged at the forefront of my mind. 

After spending time staring at the blank page of my journal, with only a few colorful doodles in the corner as a result of the hour...I decided this year needed to have a different look. No more - losing ten pounds-doing something nice for someone every day-taking time to stop and smell the roses - sort of resolutions. Those are all well and good, but if I'm honest, my attention span is so all-over-the-place I usually lose focus fairly quickly. I decided to skip the fluff sort of stuff, and stick to the simple. Getting down to the real meat and bones of life. 

After that long-winded train of thought, these are the resolutions I ended with.

Part one - Not pretending to be anything I am not. 
It's come to the point where it's just take it, or leave it. 
I'll relish in my uninformed music taste.
I will laugh at my consistent fail attempts of parking a car.
And I will most likely always be grumpy in the mornings.
You get the idea.

Part two - I want to be like love. 
Maybe that sounds strange, and maybe it is.

"To say that I am made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love. Love is my true identity...If therefore i do anything or think anything or say anything or know anything that is not purely for the love of God, it cannot give me peace, or rest, or fulfillment or joy. To find love I must enter the sanctuary where it is hidden, which is the mystery of God."
{Thomas Merton}

How can my life look brighter? More like the brightest Love I know.
How can I lay down my life more for others?
Taking each individual person and caring, caring well.
I have a feeling that the secret to great joy is directly linked to sacrifice.

I'll end this post with my mind still racing, 
and my heart still lost in thought.

I am stunned when I look around me and see the people God has chosen to love me through this past year. Beyond blessed isn't even descriptive enough. God has done so much. My heart slowing warming to His touch, and my will conforming to His ways. 

This year is going to be a great one, I can feel it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Suddenly life is up in the air again and I'm looking for where to be, what to do, who to share things with.

Times like this when everything's a grab bag again, I've found my mind wandering back to places it hasn't gone in a long time. 

Where does God want me next? Do I pick up somewhere I left off? Do I start again? Do I continue where I am? Now that there's a deadline, there will be a change. 

I forgot some of those things that were said, they meant so much back then. Does what's around me now feel just as real as those things then? Will this safe place be just another curtain that collapses and ends?

I can't stand to add more to my memories. I want constancy in my life.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dear God,

Please hear my heart speaking.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I've been listening to Bruno Mars, "Grenade" on repeat, all day. 
There's nothing particularly special about it, average pop song.
But something about it has got me hooked.

I’d catch a grenade for ya 
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I’d jump in front of a train for ya 
You know I'd do anything for ya 
I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby

I want my life to be marked by love.
I want to be known for loving when it's inconvenient.
maybe even irrational.
We have a deep capacity to love, unfortunately most of us bury it behind our fears.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

just you, and me alone God.

I needed a date with God, so I took a drive and went to the black sandy beach. It's been a warm day, and the cliffs were stunning in the heavy gray mist. I was the only one there, with the occasional jogger passing now and again. I went to the very edge of the sand and the waves and watched the sand slide past me as the water washed in and out. The surf was choppy and as far as I could see the waves grew bigger and bigger with white spray shooting up toward the lowering sun. I sang my favorite songs, I closed my eyes,..I let it be just me and Him. As the foam circled my feet, I glanced around me...turning full circle...then I spun around and around. Just like in the visions, there was the green water, the cliffs, and there I was dancing for Him. I wish I knew how to make it last, because when I'm with Him...I never want it to end.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I haven't been blogging lately. I haven't been keeping up with people well either. I feel guilty about both.

The truth is, I'm struggling to learn how to live fully in one place and still keep the closeness I have with friends away. 

I'm also facing some big decisions about the future, and I'm unsure of what to base those decisions on. Maybe I just need to leap. With each choice there's a pain involved, and a joy. As is the nature of most things. 

If you would have told me that moving over to New Zealand things would end up the way they have now...I either would have laughed in your face, or unpacked all my bags and been too frightened to move. Nothing like what I planned, or could have planned...but a place I like being, and a space in which I feel loved. It feels right. I know in my heart though that change inevitably will come at me fast...soon enough...and I feel like I am waiting tense and cautious, as if preparing myself for someone to jump out and say "boo!". 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I want to wake to find it was just a bad dream, or a cruel joke.

Death, it's unforgiving.