If I could be a month, I’d be November.
If I could be a day of the week, I'd be Friday.
If I could be a time of day, I’d be 11 p.m.
If I could be a planet, I’d be the Moon.
If I could be a sea animal, I’d be a mermaid.
If I could be a direction, I’d be right.
If I could be a piece of furniture, I'd be a porch swing.
If I could be a liquid, I’d be mango juice.
If I could be a gemstone, I’d be a pearl.
If I could be a tree, I’d be a willow.
If I could be a tool, I’d be a saw.
If I could be a flower, I’d be a quince blossom.
If I could be a kind of weather, I’d be a Summer thunderstorm with lots of lightning.
If I could be a musical instrument, I’d be a violin.
If I could be a color, I’d be pale turquoise.
If I could be an emotion, I’d be surprise.
If I could be a fruit, I’d be a raspberry.
If I could be a sound, I’d be laughter.
If I could be an element, I’d be fire.
If I could be a car, I wouldn't be - I'd be a motorcycle.
If I could be a food, I'd be frosting.
If I could be a place, I’d be a cave - by the sea.
If I could be a material, I’d be cotton eyelet.
If I could be a taste, I’d taste like summer.
If I could be a scent, I’d be the perfect mixture of woodsmoke, old books, roses, and rain.
If I could be an object, I'd be love letters.
If I could be a body part, I’d be eyes.
If I could be a facial expression, I’d be a wink.
If I could be a song, I’d be
Hallelujah, sung by Jeff Buckley.
If I could be a pair of shoes, I wouldn't have any.
I stole this idea from Keisha - I thought it was fun. And don't worry, I
do know my planets. :)